When it comes to governing our wards, we don’t have to limit our choice to the candidates that political parties put on the ballot. We can choose who should be on the ballot.
We all know people who are community leaders and are able to bring people together, build relationships and solve problems. People who are already transforming our communities and can speak from the heart and act with experience.
They may be a well-loved social worker, nurse or teacher who knows the issues. They may be a rabbi, imam or pastor who people turn to when times get tough. Or they may be a community worker or activist who can be relied on to take action. This doesn’t have to be someone older – so many young people have the passion and ideas we are yearning for.
Most of all, we need people to stand as a Councillor whose politics is rooted in a vision of a more just and equal city, and who are willing to stand with the communities in the ward to achieve this when they go to Council.