Deciding to work together to take charge of our ward is a momentous decision. There are beacons and signposts but no templates or guidebooks.
Many of us have never had to organise in our community. Others have a lot of experience. It can be stressful and make you feel vulnerable, We can, however, come up with creative solutions that change how we see our community and each other. To do that we must be prepared to trust each other and to take risks together. We must be prepared to try new ideas and initiatives not knowing if all of them will work.
If we knew how to do this we would have done it already so let’s work with what is emerging and possible right now and learn as we go. We can be dynamic, keep what is working and change what isn’t.
Of course we will make mistakes along the way but mistakes are fine when intentions are good. We need to be careful to ensure that we build a movement and not a grand jury of people looking for and pointing out what is wrong and finding fault. Where we see people struggling, let’s support them and help take up the slack. Let’s be generous and make an effort to care for one another. We can only move as fast as the speed of trust.